The Washington Conservation Guild Angels re-housed, documented and archived paper records belonging to the group Save Our Seminary (SOS)!
This non-profit organization is a dedicated group of volunteers, who bring public awareness to the National Park Seminary through tours, research, public lectures and more.
In a 19th century ballroom, groups of volunteers from both organizations worked throughout the day to go through the archives of the girls who once attended the School. Among the paper archives were a number of 3-D objects in need of repackaging. WCG volunteers worked on two textile dresses worn to social engagements at the Seminary.
Some of the most interesting objects examined were the scrapbooks that the girls kept while they attended school at the Seminary. One in particular contained photographs, letters, and everything else you could imagine including a plate and candles from a birthday celebration. The scrapbooks were interleaved with acid-free tissue and packed away for further work at a later time.
Porcelain tea sets, silverware, jewelry, drinking cups and more were cleaned and re-housed and a handmade doll wearing the uniform worn by girls at the school was also worked on. Custom acid-free boxes were constructed by volunteers for many of these objects and they were packed away until further research could be conducted on them.
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