The Restoration of the National Academy of Sciences

A Special Event in conjunction with the Association for Preservation Technology – Washington, DC Chapter, with the support of the Foundation of the American Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works
Date: Thursday, October 3, 2013 from 5:00 PM to 7:30 PM
Place: National Academy of Sciences Building
2101 Constitution Ave NW, Washington, DC
Washington Conservation Guild has joined APT-DC and FAIC in support of an evening of lectures taking place at the National Academy of Sciences 1924 flagship building on Constitution Ave. Designed by the renowned architect Bertram Grosvenor Goodhue, the building features a wide array of Art Deco elements and finishes including world-class decorative painting, gilding, marquetry, and bronze work.
Beginning in 2010, the building underwent a complex and multi-faceted efforts to conserve, restore, and rehabilitate its spaces and finishes. The two-year project enlisted a wide range of professionals associated with the conservation and preservation fields. The idea for hearing colleagues speak about their work in the very building where the work took place was first proposed mid-way through the project. Events such as this require the recommendation of a member of the National Academy of Sciences (NAS) and the cooperation of an NAS office. After more than a year of preparation and with the support of the Office of Cultural Programs, we are now able to provide you this unique opportunity to hear about the work and to tour the building.
Speakers for the evening are Frederick C. Vogt, President of FC Vogt Company (Richmond, VA) who will speak about the conservation of architectural woodwork and marquetry; Michael Kramer, President of the Gilder’s Studio (Olney, MD) who will speak about the conservation of gilded finishes; Jacquelyn (Lindy) Gulick, Conservator at Conservation Solutions, Inc. (Washington, DC), who will speak about the restoration of exterior bronze elements, and David Olin, Chief of Conservation at Olin Conservation, Inc. (Great Falls, VA) who will speak about the conservation treatment of two murals by Albert Herter, Prometheus and Lincoln and the Academy Founders.
Registration is free, but due to the costs associated with the event, WCG and APT-DC are requesting a minimum donation of $10 so that we can continue to provide you special programs such as this one and to help defray the cost of catering and other associated fees.
Please consider a donation of:
To register for the event, go to
Thank you in advance for your support and we look forward to seeing you there!