I hope you are all enjoying the long days of summer in spite of the current heat wave. Summer is a turning point for the WCG Board, we review the past year and look forward to the next.
The year started off with a bang at the National Academy of Sciences. After last year’s weather complications, we were finally able to meet at The Walters. And our holiday party at the Folger was truly a celebration.
A record number of vendors came to the Ripley Center for the Three-Ring. And, thanks to the Smithsonian Museum of African Art, one lucky attendee won a bag of fabulous prizes in our raffle. In February we held our first trivia contest at a happy hour on the Hill. March was a busy month for the Guild. We previewed the new galleries at the Postal Museum and displayed our booth at the Virginia Association of Museums meeting in Alexandria. Also in March, a workshop on energy savings and conservation environments taught by William Lull was held at the Smithsonian American Art Museum.
In April we once again heard substantive talks from three area interns. The year wrapped up with our Membership Meeting on the beautiful roof top of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers. We took care of business – elections and approving changes to the bylaws – and distributed prizes at our yearly raffle.
It will be difficult to top the past year, but with your help we can. Renew your membership. Contact us with ideas. Nominate your interns for membership through the Williston fund. And most of all, come to a meeting. We look forward to seeing you.