Please join the National Archives staff as they celebrate and remember Kathy on June 19, 2015, from 1:00 to 3:00
Lecture Rooms D and E at Archives II
See below for more details

It is with profound sadness that we tell you of Kathy Ludwig’s passing on Saturday, May 16, 2015 after a long struggle with cancer. Until her retirement in July 2014, Kathy had served as a Senior Conservator in the Conservation Laboratory at the National Archives for 17 years. Prior to joining the staff of the National Archives, Kathy was an Archives Conservator at the Minnesota Historical Society.
In preparation for her work in conservation, Kathy earned degrees in Art History and Studio Arts from the University of Minnesota, and completed one year of training in art conservation at the Rosary College Graduate School of Fine Arts in Florence, Italy. Kathy was in the first class of conservators who graduated from Columbia University’s Conservation Education Program with a MS in Library Service with a Certificate of Advanced Study in Library and Archives Conservation.
Kathy was passionate about her work. She continued to study and learn throughout her career, taking workshops and seminars on subjects ranging from papermaking to disaster planning and response to the history and making of parchment. Kathy always generously shared the knowledge she gained, with others. She developed and taught numerous preservation classes over the years to National Archives staff and volunteers and also imparted her knowledge of materials and conservation techniques to interns and other conservators.
Kathy loved her work at the National Archives. She was a highly skilled conservator and over the years treated thousands of records, including such significant documents as the Monroe Doctrine and the Delaware Ratification of the Bill of Rights. A valued member of NARA’s conservator-on-call team, Kathy conducted independent research on drying methods, and assisted with the recovery of Orleans Parish records following Hurricane Katrina.
Most importantly, Kathy was a good friend and a valued colleague. She was a thoughtful and reliable presence who always made us smile. We will miss her.
Please join us as we celebrate and remember Kathy on June 19, 2015, from 1:00 to 3:00 in Lecture Rooms D and E at Archives II. If you have questions, please contact
Archives II is located at 8601 Adelphi Road in College Park, MD 20740.
Directions and information can be found at