The Big Build at the National Building Museum is taking place on Saturday, October 14th. This is an exciting event for children to learn about construction, architecture, crafts and conservation, and we need your help at our booth.
Please volunteer to take a shift during the day from 10:00-4:00 to work with kids to make a light-fade card and talk about conservation. Lunch is provided. More information about the event can be found here: http://go.nbm.org/site/Calendar/1942637524?view=Detail&id=122529
Also, if working with the public to share your experience with conservation inspires you, please consider volunteering to be our Outreach Booth Coordinator. WCG brings our booth to approximately 3-4 events per year and we need your help. Please contact the WCG President, Diana Galante, to volunteer for The Big Build or to inquire about becoming the Outreach Booth Coordinator: DianaJGalante@gmail.com