The Washington Conservation Guild supports interns and fellows to participate in the many activities it has to offer.
In addition to the monthly meetings, we also offer tours of area conservation labs, happy hours with AIC’s ECPN, and we host a Career Day in fall. The Sidney Williston Fund also provides five interns or fellows each year with a membership to the Washington Conservation Guild. A WCG member must apply on behalf of their intern or fellow.
Sidney Williston’s studio, Mario’s Conservation Services, provided training for dozens of conservators, many of whom today head their own labs around the country. He was a Fellow in the AIC and an honorary member of the Washington Conservation Guild. He has been greatly missed since his death in December 2000. The Williston Fund was created to recognize his contributions to the DC/Baltimore-area conservation community and to the Guild in particular.
Williston Fund recipients will receive a membership for the WCG season. This includes free entry to monthly meetings and reduced registration for all WCG-sponsored workshops and conferences. Recipients also have the first opportunity to speak at the Intern/Fellow meeting in spring. In return, we ask that the recipients assist the WCG board with meeting administration, like writing meeting summaries, manning the donation table, or clean-up after receptions. These are great opportunities for emerging conservators to network with area professionals and learn more about our field.
The application is available here: Sidney S. Williston Memorial Fund Application
Alternatively you may send the following information to interns@washingtonconservationguild.org:
-Name of sponsor (must be a WCG member)
-Name and position of applicant
-Applicant’s local mailing address, email address, and telephone number
-Brief description (half page max) of applicant’s qualifications and of their upcoming internship/fellowship project.
Applications are due by COB on September 17, 2018, and awards will be announced at the October meeting.