Preserve Your Heirlooms! Virtual Presentation

Preserve Your Heirlooms! Virtual Presentation

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DC conservators, do you have friends and family that are interested in conservation and always asking you questions about what you do? Please spread the word about this virtual event they may be interested in attending!

Are you interested in art, history, and science? Do you want to learn about the preservation of our nation’s heritage—both in museums and our homes. Join the Washington Conservation Guild and Fairfax County Public Libraries to find out about conservation with preservation tips from conservators on the care of personal artifacts.

The Zoom lecture will introduce you to conservation. What is it? Why is it important? Who are conservators? And how do you find one? The presentation will also include fascinating details about recent local conservation treatments including the ruby slippers from the Wizard of Oz, Gilbert Stuart’s full-length portrait of George Washington, and some original drawings of political cartoons related to the women’s suffrage movement.

Topic: Preserve Your Heirlooms! Virtual Presentation
Time: May 2, 2020 02:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

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Meeting ID: 977 6814 9410
Password: 052020

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