Like all of you, I am finding it almost surreal to be still living with such uncertainty and limitations inherent with quarantine in a time of pandemic.
The first six weeks were a dawdle and I was congratulating myself with how well I was handling things. My house had never looked less cluttered. I finally got around to all those projects I’d been putting off. I knit and read books and zoomed with my friends.
Then, I hit a wall. I lost the ability to focus. My temper began to fray. Sound familiar to any of you? And there is still no certain end date to all of this.
Finishing the 2019/2020 year with WCG in the midst of pandemic was challenging for all of us. I commend the WCG Board and committee members who continued to show up and stayed engaged, despite the fact that all of them are laboring under the same stressors as the rest of us.
When I sent out emails to the board asking for ideas on how to address carrying out our usual business virtually, they always responded. Jenn Morton continued to keep the bills paid and the books balanced even as she prepares for the arrival of a baby. Rachel Greenberg continued to give me feedback and help me stay focused even while battling trolls at the May meeting. Anne Schaffer continued to get the minutes compiled and sent out on time. I asked Gwen Manthey if she would figure out a way to have the raffle during our virtual business meeting and she jumped on the task. Beth Knight and Karen Wilcox continued their outreach to our interns and fellows. The Nominating Committee labored to provide us with a slate of candidates, despite losing the ability to talk to possible candidates face to face.
Anne Kingery and her team saw their big May event, Preservation Day with the Fairfax County Libraries, morph into an online presentation. Gwen’s Materials Exchange and Michael Brehl’s Ring Workshop have been postponed until the 2020/2021 year. We are still hopeful we can have Michael’s workshop in August and the Materials Exchange in the Fall!
Anne, Rachel and Katie Mullen were instrumental in making the April monthly meeting happen. (And a big thanks to Amber Kerr for stepping in with her presentation). Without them, the May meeting would not have happened either.
Although our year technically runs through June, the May meeting marks the end of the WCG season for most of us. Here is the WCG Annual Report for 2019-2020. Know, however, that the board will be reconvening in mid summer to begin planning for next year. I have Ideas floating through my head for new things to try. Many on the board do as well. We hope you do, too. We have room on our committees for you, so please join us! Please send me an email and let me know.
Take care. Stay healthy. Keep supporting each other. Be sure to check in with those in your circle. I look forward to seeing you all at our next meeting in September.
President, WCG