Dear fellow members of WCG,
The Board met this past week to discuss the formation of a new committee that will focus on ways our regional guild can contribute to the conversation on diversity and systemic inequities. We believe that it is not enough to support what AIC is doing at a national level. We need to do what we can in our own backyard.
The name we settled on is the IDEA Action Committee (Inclusion, Diversity, Equity and Access). I’m hoping to hear from those of you who would like to join. Please send me an email.
The scope of this committee will include identifying opportunities to increase diversity in our field in the DMV area in particular; nurturing contacts and partnerships in previously overlooked parts of our community; finding new areas for outreach; and improving the accessibility of our meetings. In addition, the WCG by-laws are due for revision this year and the IDEA committee will weigh in on this, proposing any changes as well as to the Board handbook. It is hoped that the committee will be able to come up with metrics that can be used by the Board to track our progress on this front.
Starting this year, all WCG Committees will have a formal liaison relationship with at least one Board member so that they have voting representation. Up until now, our wonderful committee members and chairs have faithfully attended board meetings and been active in discussions of policy. Pairing them with Directors will give them a stronger voice at the table. Our directors are excited about taking on these new rolls.
Again, please do reach out to me if you are interested in joining this new and important committee or if you have any questions or thoughts you’d like to share.
All the best,
Jayne Girod Holt
Washington Conservation Guild