December 14, 2021 at 1pm ET
Learn about new tools to assist cultural heritage institutions perform their daily work.

Two measurement tools will be introduced that can assist small and medium-sized cultural heritage institutions perform their daily work in collections care assessments and health and safety practices. Dr. Lesley Langa will present on the Collections Care Index Tool – a self-assessment survey that allows collections staff to see where they are meeting basic collections care standards and regularly monitoring collections care practice. Ms. Kate McEnroe and Ms. Anne Kingery-Schwartz will then preview an assessment tool that evaluates all aspects of health and safety within an institution. It covers a wide variety of topics providing users with the ability to track their progress towards preventing incidents like workplace injury and fires, as well as identifying hazards present within institutions’ collections. Two DC institutions helped with the development of this survey: Dumbarton House and Tudor Place.
For more info on the tools and to register: