WCG Workshop: Make your own Tintype and Wetplate Collodion Demo

WCG Workshop: Make your own Tintype and Wetplate Collodion Demo

with Colin Gore
Saturday, May 28, 2022
1:00 – 4:00pm in Hyattsville, MD

Person wearing black nitrile gloves pours a yellow liquid over a black and white photograph
Tin-type and wet-plate collodion processing, demonstrated by Colin Gore.

The wetplate collodion process is one of the earliest forms of photography, dating to around 1850. Beyond old-timey interest, it holds value to this day as one of the highest resolution photographic processes of all time with image particles around 1 micron in diameter (about 13,000 “megapixels” on a 4×5” plate).

In this workshop, you’ll see a demonstration of each step in the process: pouring a plate, sensitizing, exposing in a large-format camera with lenses from the 1800’s, developing, fixing, and varnishing a tintype.  Then, you’ll have the opportunity to expose your own plate to take home and cherish for centuries to come.  If time remains, then adventurous folks can try all the messy steps themselves before we wrap up.

Gloves will be provided.  If you have a respirator for solvents, please bring it along.  We’ll pour outdoors, but alcohol, ether, and acetic acid fumes are inherent in the process.

The cost is $60 and includes all supplies and snacks.

The workshop is open to the first 10 WCG members to register here: https://forms.gle/VQxtNrUVhaaP6MQ76

Once we verify your membership status (either for the 2021/2022 season or the 2022/2023 season) and proof of COVID-19 vaccination plus booster, we will send a payment link and provide the workshop location.

For more information about this event or WCG, please visit our website www.washingtonconservationguild.org