Georgetown Public Library after fire, 2007. Photo by Eliza Gilligan.
The SE Regional Conservation Association (SERCA) is having their annual meeting this March:
Hurricanes Hardly (?) Happen
‘Join us for the 2023 SERCA Annual Meeting in Macon, GA from March 10 to 12th, 2023!
Expanding on the preparedness topics covered in our last two virtual annual meetings, the 2023 SERCA meeting will look at the challenges in conservation due to increasing natural disasters and climate change. Speaker Rebecca Kennedy of Curae Collections Care will discuss evacuations, establishing roles and priorities, and cover various scenarios that we may encounter in the Southeast. As part of the meeting, Rebecca will also lead a half-day recovery workshop and we will have an Angels Project at the meeting site.
Since this is our first in-person meeting in a few years, we want members to come and enjoy the meeting and catch up with colleagues without the pressure of having to put together a presentation. Therefore, while we won’t have a Call for Proposals on the meeting topic, we have included a space on the form to indicate whether or not you would like to share a tip or trick you use! Tips and Tricks is the informal Sunday wrap up session and can be as long or as short as you would like it. We will reach out to you closer to the date to confirm the amount of time you think you will need.
The Annual Meeting will be held at the Museum of Arts and Sciences in Macon, GA. Registration cost is $225 for members and $250 for non-members. We will also offer options for virtual attendance on Friday only for $100 or in-person attendance for Friday only for $140.
Registration will remain open until February 21st, 2023.
For questions or further information about the annual meeting please contact SeRegionConservationAssoc@gmail.com
Register for the 2023 SERCA Annual Meeting:
For more information, visit the link below: