WCG Members-Only Tour, Walter E. Washington Convention Center

WCG Members-Only Tour, Walter E. Washington Convention Center

Please join the Washington Conservation Guild for the 2nd members-only tour of the 2023/2024 Season

Members Tour of the Art Collection at the Walter E. Washington Convention Center

with Conservator Kristen Loudermilk and Curator Robin Moore

Three colorful glowing recntables with a color gradent from yellow to red on the left, Blue to green to white on the right, and all previously mentioned colors in the middle rectangle. Dark angular, prismatic lines super imposed over the color fields.
“Re-ignition” by Stephen Hendee, 2003. Materials: polycarbonate, enameled paint, fluorescent lights. Image Courtesy of Events DC.

Wednesday, November 29th  6:15–8:00 pm

801 Mt. Vernon Place, Washington, D.C. 20001
Latecomers will not be admitted, please arrive at 6:15 for the 6:30 tour

Transportation: Metro (Yellow/Green) to
“Mt. Vernon Place” Station
Grand Lobby is off of Mt. Vernon Place Entrance

Join us on Wednesday, November 29th for a Members Only tour of the largest Public Art collections outside of a museum! Located in the Walter E. Washington Convention Center in Washington DC, members will be given a tour of the art collection by private conservator Kristen Loudermilk and curator Robin Moore.

This is a free in-person event for WCG members.
Since space is limited, WCG members must RSVP by November 21st using this Google form:

Art Collection Tour Sign Up

Please note: The tour starts promptly at 6:30 and latecomers will not be admitted. Please meet in the Grand Lobby at 6:15 so we can depart on time for the tour.

2023/2024 WCG season memberships are $35 for professionals, $25 for renewing emerging professionals, and free to emerging professionals who are entering their first season as a WCG member.

Join or renew at www.washingtonconservationguild.org/membership.

Our meetings are public, and pictures may appear on WCG’s website and social media accounts.

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