HERA Hyperspectral Camera Demo, Tues March 18, SAAM

HERA Hyperspectral Camera Demo, Tues March 18, SAAM

Logo for NIREOS with white text on a black ground. Figure is the letter 'N' in black with red and white negative space, 45 degrees off axis.
NIREOS logo.

On Tuesday, March 18th at 2pm,  Smithsonian American Art Museum (SAAM) is delighted to host Nick Barbi, PhD (nSynergies Inc., Sarasota, FL) to demonstrate the NIREOS HERA Hyperspectral Camera at the Smithsonian American Art Museum. Nick will host a 75-minute demonstration with time for questions in the MacMillan Education Center (1st floor, Southwest). 

This camera allows for non-contact, non-destructive characterization of pigments and mapping up to 1700 and 2200nm of accessioned artworks and study objects. More information can be found in the attached flyer. 

There are limited spaces available. RESERVE YOUR SPOT!