The Nominating Committee would like to introduce you to our WCG Candidate Bios for the 2018/2019 WCG Board elections. This year we have 3 Director positions and 1 Membership Secretary position open.
We encourage you to take a look at the candidate bios and learn more about the WCG_Position_Duties. Voting will take place during the May 3, 2018 WCG meeting. If you are unable to attend the meeting, you may request either an absentee ballot (which you can return by paper mail) or an absentee ballot code (which will allow you to cast your vote anonymously online) from vote@washingtonconservationguild.org. Absentee votes must be received by May 2, 2018.
If you missed your chance to run for one of these elected positions but would still like to get more involved with WCG, never fear! We have other openings! More details will be announced at the meeting, or feel free to contact us.
We look forward to seeing you at the May meeting to vote in person and possibly win a raffle prize!
Jane Klinger jklinger@ushmm.org
Ashley Jehle ashleyjehle@gmail.com
Linda Edquist edquistls@gmail.com