On October 30, 2019 WCG hosted, along with the Potomac Section of the American Industrial Hygiene Association, and the Smithsonian’s Lunder Center, American Art Museum, National Collections Program, and Facilities Office of Safety, Health, and Environmental Management, the fourth annual Safety and Cultural Heritage Summit. Participants spent the day hearing talks on the intersection of industrial and occupational health with cultural heritage preservation, as well as touring the American Art Museum’s labs and exhibits and networking across the professions. Registration for the Summit was roughly an even split between safety and health professionals and collections care professionals, and both occupational health nurses and certified industrial hygienists received continuing education credit for attending.

Save the Date: The fifth annual Safety and Cultural Heritage Summit will be held October 29, 2020 at the Smithsonian American Art Museum. Interested in participating next year? Drop us a line at safety-summit@washingtonconservationguild.org.
Presentations by Summit speakers are available through Potomac AIHA’s website https://www.potomacaiha.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=566&Itemid=109
PDFs of the Summit presentations are also available below.
Avoiding Major Fire Losses at Museums and Cultural Institutions
Caution Do Not Touch: Solutions to Tracking Pesticides on Native American Objects
Modernizing Our Vertebrate Specimen Preparation Safety Manuals
Navigating Hidden Hazards in Collections: Emotional, Physical, and Chemical
Silica Dust Concerns Among Museum and Conservation managers and Professionals
Taking the Lead in Lead Safety: Mitigating Lead Exposure in Stained Glass Conservation
Total Worker Health for the Museum and Cultural Heritage Environment
The Use of Low-Cost Sensors to Measure Mercury Vapor from Tin-Mercury Amalgam Mirrors
Wonder Twins – Activate! Collaboration between PRICE and OSHEM